Ulrike Reinhard
Departure hotel lobby
Departure at 9h30 sharp!
Ulrike Reinhard
City reception and opening ceremony
Area of the Buga
Bundesgartenschau Mannheim
Ulrike Reinhard
Snacks at the Bundesgartenschau
Ulrike Reinhard
Departure discovery walk of “Bundesgartenschau”
We start from our lunch place to discover the BUGA (the famous garden show)
Ulrike Reinhard
Discovery walk in the gardens
The BUGA is the biggest garden event of Germany in 2023. Together we will discover not only the beauty of the gardens, but the site offers several events and even a cable car
Ulrike Reinhard
Free time
Ulrike Reinhard
Departure hotel lobby
Departure at 19:00pm sharp!
Ulrike Reinhard
The Hive
Cecil-Taylor-Ring 16, 68309 Mannheim
Ulrike Reinhard